Repiratiry problems are just one possible effect of pine bedding, not all
aniamsl will be so affected.
The worst part about pine (and cedar) is that in many aniamls toxins in the
oils can build up in the liver and other organs, eventually causing the
organs to fail.  Animals may look fine *now*, but you may be cutting their
lives short, they may not live as long as they would have on other bedding.
Although people will point out their pets may not develop these lethal
diseases due to longterm  pine/cedar exposure, the problem is you can't know
NOW if your aniamls will show symptoms YEARS LATER because of what beeding
you use NOW.  Why take the risk of cuttign their lives short?  BTW, you
can't know if they die younger then they should of due to such organ failure
without a post mortum, and I doubt most peopel here have their departed
gerbils autopsied by a vet, so I don't think its safe for anyoen to assume
that their gerbils would not have lived longer if on a non-pine/non-cedar

Personally, me and my gerbils arehappiest with a mix of 75% paper shreadings
and 25% aspen

AG/sixth happiness

> I wanted to tell everyone something. I have been using pine bedding
> for 4 months now and have had no problems with my gerbils. They also
> like penuts.

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