Some changes/additions were recently made to gtkwave's .fst file
format, which can now also support 9 value logic, and special VHDL
types like records, etc. (see gtkwave manual page 21).

Since the .fst file format shows better performance for larger
waveform dumps, it would be very useful if these changes could be
included in GHDL. For the implementation it might be interesting to
have a look at
(I could not find any information on the fst format directly from the
gtkwave website, besides the user manual)

Lastly, since I am new to the mailing list, let me say a big "thank
you!" to the Tristan and the other contributers. I am using ghdl
extensively for my master thesis project. I am writing a GPS receiver
in VHDL, including a MBlite Softcore CPU (a microblaze variant), and I
am doing my simulations exclusively in GHDL. I especially like the
performance of ghdl and that it is very pedantic about the LRM. My
life would be several orders of magnitudes harder without GHDL.

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