On 9/15/19 4:01 PM, John Darrington wrote:
> Personally, I'm happy to pay the higher price for the Vielank place.
> However I know that there are people who are interested in GHM
> and have very limited disposable income, so I think we should try
> to keep costs as low as possible.

We can reduce costs if we e.g. say arrival Wed evening, departure Sat
morning, so we would have two full days for talks (Thu and Fri). Some
people also might then arrive at Thu morning and depart at Fri evening.

In 2017 weren't there monetary support offers from FSF(E) for attending
students !?

Then, if we really want to attract students that are not already
involved in GNU, we should consider a big city with a University (best
with CS offer). Then just publish the GHM schedule in the CS faculty
(poster or whatever). The local students won't have any additional costs
when visiting GHM.

BTW, I couldn't get a hotel cheaper then 80€ + 10€ breakfast in Madrid
(room sharing in a hostel isn't my thing). Plus lunch / coffee / dinner
/ beer I have been at ~125€ a day. That is more expensive than Vielank.

So we should possibly first answer the question if we want to stay in
our GNU bubble or if we want to attract students/people from outside GNU
as well. It's not easy to have both.

Regards, Tim

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