>Thank you.
>That works a treat - once i worked out how to get a usable path.
>Is there anyway of making a toolbox button (or keyboard short-cut) to
>make it easier to access the Auto-Rotate function, instead of right
>clicking, selecting layers, then selecting auto-rotate?
>Thanks again.

Most 'extra' Gimp plugins and scripts can be assigned a shortcut key. Problem is
there are not many keys that are **not** assigned.

The best list of Gimp shortcuts I know is here: 

http://clownfishcafe.blogspot.co.uk/p/gimp-28-shortcuts.html and gives
unassigned keys G J V W Y 6 7 8

The Gimp docs for shortcuts is
https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-shortcuts.html which leaves a bit to be

Check the screenshot:

1. Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts to open the editor.

2. Type in a search pattern, say auto

3. You will find that Autorotate is marked 'disabled' click on that and type in
(say) j

4. To keep between sessions tick the 'Save....on exit' box

Now after you have drawn your path, hit the j key and the script will activate.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/673/original/shortcut.jpg

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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