Michael Nagel wrote:

I am using the precompiled windows version of ghc-6.4.2 and for some reason

Prelude> Char.isAlpha '§'

returns true. Hugs however, is of the opinion that the paragraph sign is not an alphabetic character and so am I. I did not find any rationale for this behavior (as no system I know of treats the §-sign as an alphabetic char) so I think it is a bug and should be fixed.


PS: I have not been using ghc(i) for too long, so if I missed something, please let me know.

This looks like some kind of input problem: I get the same results as you when using a Windows command shell, but not when using an xterm or on Unix.

The problem is better illustrated like this:

Prelude> '§'

but '\245' is not the § character, it is the õ character. So the command shell has done some translation before GHCi even saw the character.

On Un*x, or in an xterm on Windows, I get

Prelude> '§'

I claim this is not our bug. If anyone knows a workaround or can explain why this happens, please let us know.

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