On 2/18/07, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/18/07, Jeffry Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/18/07, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  That the Linux community pushing 'You now have choice' breaks down
> > when it comes to the general public.  And that perhaps we can actually
> > learn from WHY people prefer Windows in general.
> My experience (from putting GNOME/KDE boxes in front of people) is
> that most DON'T care - they care about what they can do.  However, try
> and buy a box w/o windows at Circuit City/Best Buy/etc.  They buy
> Windows because that's what's sold.  They use Windows because that's
> what they're used to.  They're used to it because that's what they
> bought.  They bought it because that's what's sold.  Rinse, lather,
> repeat.

 Ok, now sit her down in front of a formatted hard drive,  :-D

Same thing everyone else would do - go to their friendly IT guru to install :-)

remembermost people never install windows.  They buy the system
installed.  Or, at the corporate level, an IT person installs the
software.  For most people, it's the loop I indicated above - MS's
lock on the preloads - they are use it because they're used to it,
they're used to it because that's what they buy, they buy it because
that's what's available.  That's what's available because that's what
the stores/websites sell.   Rinse, lather, repeat.

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