Attention local Rubyists and crypto geeks! The third meeting of the user group is coming up in just a few days. This month we'll
have Brian DeLacey speaking about using crypto algorithms in your Ruby
code. He'll be demonstrating the Crypt library, which is written
entirely in Ruby.

The objective of this meeting is two-fold: to address some interesting
Ruby techniques and also walk through the basic structure and operations
of a Rails application. We'll have some Ruby and Rails books to raffle
off at the end of the meeting - special thanks to O'Reilly Media.

Brian is an excellent speaker and has been making the rounds giving
talks at many user groups in the Boston area. Mark your calendars, you
won't want to miss this presentation!

WHEN: Tuesday, March 20, 2007. 7-9 PM.
WHERE: Portsmouth Public Library, Hilton Garden Inn Meeting Room (2nd
floor), Portsmouth, NH.

For more details, including a map of the meeting location, see:



Scott Garman
sgarman at iname dot com
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