Ben Scott writes:
 > On 3/22/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Um. I tried a couple of things and just managed to mangle up my shell
 > > windows with lines-and-boxes font characters.
 >   Sounds like you ended up with binary output on a terminal.
 >   To un-fsck the terminal emulator, issue the command:
 >      reset
 > (One nice thing about that is you can easily type it blind.)

And if that doesn't seem to work, type \nreset\n (where \n means that
you hold down control and type "j", not that you type a backslash
followed by "n").  If the terminal state is really hosed, sometimes
the end of line translations get trashed.  This isn't usually from
printing a binary file, but from contro-C'ing out of some program that
has wedged and which changes the tty settings.  (But sometimes wedged
because you used it on a binary file.  This doesn't happen as often
any more, but that's probalby because I'm doing more in X rather than
from command prompts these days.)


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