On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:36:52 -0500
Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But everytime I hit a pothole and blow
> out a strut I wish there was some competition in roads.

Curious how there would be competition in roads.  


Interestingly, when the rail system was being built in NH there was
intense competition for the votes in the General Court (this was
perhaps the most corrupt period in NH government), but of course there
was no competition in rail service since the competition was to see who
could win the bidding wars for votes to obtain the leases being
granted so they could soak the customers.  There is a great story of one
company buying all the votes to get a lease and then another company
came in and bought the votes to condemn the right of way granted in the
first lease and grant a new lease over the same right of way.  


Regarding telcos, the one thing I seldom see discussed is the fact
years ago they got a huge tax break premised on the promise to create a
plant providing broadband that was as extensive as the existing copper
plant.  They reaped the windfall, did not deliver their end of the
bargain, and now they are..well we see don't we.  So the
taxpayer/customer gets to pay twice?

So the moral behavior of companies has remained about the same.

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign:         K1VP
PGP Key ID:           1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

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