On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, John Feole - Sun Microsystems wrote:

> connect but it deosn't seem to add the ppp connection as the
> defaultroute as the log shows..

You need the "defaultroute" option in your options file.

> I'm using KPPP as the front end to this and if I uninstall the 2.3.10
> pppd, and replace it with 2.3., the problem seems to disappear...Maybe
> there are changes in the KPPP app...???  Anyone seen this?  PPPlog
> below...

> Jan 24 21:27:13 angus pppd[1404]: not replacing existing default route
> to eth0 []

AHA! Here's the culprate.  You already have a default route.  pppd will
not replace it.  This is a behavior of pppd, not KPPP.  I have no idea why
the behavior is different under different versions of KPPP. Only thing I
can think of is the older version must have deleted the default route, and
then it was decided that this was not a Good Thing to do.  Which it isn't.

However, in your case, before you start pppd, you should make sure you
don't have a default route.  You can either delete it manually, or
reconfigure your ethernet card without a default gateway.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"    "Who watches the watchmen?" 
-Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347 

Derek D. Martin      |  Senior UNIX Systems/Network Administrator
Arris Interactive    |  A Nortel Company

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