Quoting David Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sorry for the interruption, but...
> Any idea if there is a open/share based SLOC (Source Lines Of
> Code) counter function?  I have a relatively new manager who
> came in from a MIL contractor and they eat/live/breath this
> kind of stuff (yup, I've been there already - and I totally
> pissed off one manager when I went and reduced the count on a
> project  ;)

  Kill him, now, before the disease spreads..  ;-P

> Anyway, I did a quick check of Linuxberg and a couple other
> sites, but no luck.  So, before I go out and write one I was
> wondering if anyone in the group knew of a counter already out
> there in Penguin land (script/rpm/compilable source, I really
> don't care at this point)...

CCCC (C and C++ Code Counter) is a simple command line tool which parses files 
in the supported languages and builds a set of reports in HTML of numeric 
measurements (metrics) on those files. Metrics are divided into three groups. 
Procedural metrics include lines of code, lines of comment and McCabe's 
cyclomatic complexity. Metrics of OO design (proposed by Chidamber and Kemerer) 
include depth of inheritance tree, number of children, coupling between 
objects, and weighted methods per class. Structural metrics (based on the work 
of Henry and Kafura), include fan-in, fan-out and information flow.

Resource Standard Metrics
RSM performs metrics and quality checks on C, C++ and Java source code and 
creates reports in HTML format. File names are hyper-linked for simple code 
browsing when an error is found. It performs metrics differentials between code 
base lines and identifies which files have changed (code line percent), been 
removed or added, and remained the same. It also enforces style, checks for 
errors that compilers miss, and determines metrics such as Lines of Code, 
effective lines of code, complexity, comment content, key word content, and C 
to C++ compatibility.

  Those where two I had bookmarked offhand, but I have never used them 
myself..  Hope it helps..  Be forwarned, metrics *CAN* be usefull, but not as a 
rule, merely as one metric of many.  Good KLOC's can be a very misleading thing.

Thomas Charron
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