Now that AT&T is added broadband Internet access in Nashua via
cable "modems", I need to figure out whether I should buy a cable modem
or rent one from AT&T for $10/month.  I'd thought I'd ask this group for
its advice.

    First, does anyone have an opinion or renting the cable modem or
buying one in general?  Pros, cons, and recommendations?

    Secondly, I'm really interested in the specific cable modem.  I went
to Circuit City (where AT&T says to get the modem from), and they are
selling the Toshiba PCX1100 for $200, and there's also a $50 rebate.
The price doesn't sound so bad.  I remember hearing some things on the
list about the Toshibas, though.  Circuit City wouldn't say what modems
AT&T would be leasing out, except to claim that they all have the same
performance.  Recommendations and advice are appreciated.

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