Title: A note from the Chairman
Hello everyone.

Here it is our 3rd Quarter of 2001 and looking back over the past 7 quarters of my Chairmanship, I am both happy and a little sad.

It is time for this Volunteer Chairman (maddog having been our reluctant Chairman and I will probably be known as the Volunteer Chairman) to step down to pursue other challenges. 

I will finish my term Chairing the 3rd and 4th quarter 2001 GNHLUG meetings and hopefully see you nominate and elect, Jeff Smith, as your Nominated Chairman, to lead us into the future.

The past two years has been a very satisfying adventure for me. To be able to continue what maddog and others before us started for the GNHLUG really was a challenge. The growing success of the chapters around the state, the quality of presenters at all of our meetings, the support all of you have given me, as well as the other Chapter Chairs, has truly kept me going over the past two years. And we can't forget our first attempt at the Linux Business show or the successful Installfests. A very busy two years indeed.

None of the above would have been possible without the support and help from so many of you. It was truly a team effort. Thank you one and all.

We are not done yet in the evangelism for the Linux movement in New Hampshire, and I am not saying goodbye. I will be here to assist the GNHLUG when possible and to continue to Chair the Monadlug Chapter as I have been doing for the past 2 1/2 years.

See you at a meeting soon.

Jerry Kubeck      Customer Support     Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       www.AppropriateSolutions.com

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