2008-04-13 klockan 14:36 skrev Mohammad Foroughi:
>  I want to start a new translation team for Persian language. You me say
> that there is already a team for persian, yes I know thatm bust it is
> about 2 years that the old team did not act any usefull action. If you
> take a look at their web site (http://www.farsiweb.ir/wiki/Main_Page),
> just at the very buttom of the page, you can see that it's last update
> is: October 2006!

Farsiweb explicitly states that is willing to cooperate with upstream Gnome:


There is even a separate page with more information (though a bit outdated):


Furthermore, your claim that the project has become idle by noticing that
the website has not been updated for a long time only takes the main page
into account. The page at


indicates that there has been lots of activity after the date you mentioned.
I'd suggest getting yourself a copy of the sources and making sure the
translations in the Farsiweb distribution are committed to upstream SVN as
well (if the license permits doing so, which I sincerely hope).

  mvrgr, Wouter

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who's gonna take it like this? :: no way :: you are, you are        -- gomez

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