Hello everyone!

Lately we have had some people uploading GIMP translations in the form of
merge requests on gitlab.

Notably we had someone who uploaded big po files updates for Korean, a year
For GIMP 2.10: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/merge_requests/51
For master: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/merge_requests/54

He did update a lot of translatable text. Unfortunately he was not
responsive on gitlab when we (as well as the Korean team coordinator) asked
him to send his po file through the team channel, even after we tried to
discuss with him in English or Korean. No idea why. He was capable enough
to translate hundreds of sentence from English to Korean, use git and make
gitlab MR, but he would not answer. In the end, we just had to close the MR
without taking the changes in, which was a bit heartbreaking (never nice to
waste contributor's hard work, especially as Korean is not updated that
often unfortunately!).

Recently, after a year, the same person reopened a new MR, and again
without answering or following procedure:

Also recently someone also opened a MR for zh_TW and he doesn't answer much
either (though there was only one comment, so I made a new one and will
wait a bit before closing). Don't know what's up with translators making
MRs and not following up!

Anyway bottom line: I am wondering if there were a way to improve the
procedures for translation reviews made through MR? I mean, these
translators definitely could improve their contribution skills by actually
reading/answering comments and following up, but the base idea is still
right. The po files are on our repository so I understand why an outsider
might think making a MR makes sense. Of course if it ended up that the
translation was not right, if the translation needed changes before
merging, with a non-responsive person, the end result might be the same.
That's a problem anyway. But maybe it could have just worked out without
So yeah, I'd be happy to work more closely with translators team willing to
review translations in gitlab.

Am I missing something?
Thanks everyone!


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