Yes I know this problem. It was introduced when I patched all documents in order to mark the entity &app; with the markup <application>. I've already resolved this problem for ch_basics.xml but I have not yet checked other files for the same error.

Just to explain you where the problem reside, this error is due to the fact that in some markup is not allowed as child the <application> markup

For exmple: <orgname><application>&app;</application> Documentation Team</orgname> is not allowed
The right markup is: <orgname>&app; Documentation Team</orgname>

Feel free to correct this errors when you find them


Il 19/10/2010 19:25, Thomas Bullock ha scritto:

Working on my next patch (a tweak to what I previously installed) I noted that 
a couple of chapter references had been left out of Chapter 1 - Basics.  So I 
thought I would add the reference to both Budgets and Other Assets.

When I ran the 'xmllint' command, I got 18 xml errors: 14 relating to 
gnucash-guide.xml and the remaining 4 relating to ch-basics.xml

All of the 18 errors are essentially worded in this manner:
        "Element (name of element):validity error - element application is not 
declared in (name of element) list of possible children."

Where I say (name of element) a different element is named for the spot in the 
file identified by the line number given for the error.

This sounds to me as an xsl or dtd problem.  Would that be correct?

Any suggestions how I can remove these errors?


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