I'm not able to apply the patches to my local copy due to my lack of knowledge. I noticed that the heading of files is different from what I'm accostumed to.
Normally I use the command "patch -po < filename" from the right path.
Can you apply yourself these patches and point me to some documentation to learn how to apply them?


Il 15/11/2010 06:29, Yawar Amin ha scritto:
Hi Cristian,

On 2010-11-09, at 16:53, Yawar Amin wrote:

Hi Cristian,

On 2010-11-07, at 05:36, Cristian Marchi wrote:

I’m actually going to post my proposed changes in the form of a set of patches 
to be applied on top of your patch, instead of commenting on lines like before. 
So you can see exactly what I’m suggesting, and most of it should be 
self-explanatory. I’ll also put a summary of changes on top of each patch to 
give you an overview.
Well, as promised, the patches on top of your patch :-) The last one is 
basically a pure trailing-whitespace-removal patch, you can ignore it if you 

Hope this is useful.



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