
Thanks for the explanations - and the bonus of explaining what the padlock means, the directory belongs (in this case) to root.

But, in my ignorance, I don't follow your comment that none of the directories of the form


are needed after F::Q is installed.

Ameer Sengar and nvsoar have said that the file

needs to be slightly modified to overcome the throttling. The only copies of that file I can find on my system reside in the Finance-Quote directories (albeit several subdirectories down). I would have thought that deleting the Finance-Quote directories would negate the effect of changing the file.

What am I missing?

On your comment about using yahoo-json instead of AlphaVantage it's worth noting that the London Stock Exchange (where many of my securities are listed) quotes prices in pennies but yahoo-json interprets the numbers as pounds. Using yahoo-json makes one (appear to be) very rich! (However, it does work correctly to get European stocks - at least on the Frankfurt and Paris bourses - and I use it for those securities.)

Best wishes



On 05/03/2019 19:54, John Ralls wrote:

On Mar 5, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Eric Coates <> wrote:

I am running GnuCash 2.9.16 (with Finance Quote 1.47) on Ubuntu 16.04.

In the course of some fairly standard (for me) work I have come across a couple of 
"funnies" and I'm wondering whether they are deliberate, "features" (from 
Microsoft's vocabulary meaning a bug that won't be fixed), bugs or me doing something wrong.

On the last day of the month I need to revalue my share portfolio. Like others, 
I have been a victim of Alphvantage's throttling of their service but unlike 
others I have not (yet) screwed up my courage and updated the the related file 
to incorporate the delays suggested.

I open the Securities Editor, make sure that the Get Quote column is shown 
(and, for simplicity at this stage, I'll assume no securities are ticked) and 
then, by double clicking on a security I get to the Security Information window 
and select Get Online Quotes, click Unknown and select Alphavantage from the 
drop down. I do this for five securities (no point in doing it for more because 
of the Alphavantage limitation). In the Price Editor I click Get Quotes and, 
after a wait, I get the prices for the five securities I selected.

Having got those five prices I need to select a second batch of securities. But 
(*first funny*) I cannot deselect the previously selected securities by 
clicking on the tick - I have to go back to the Security Information to do 
that. Is that intended?

Having deselected the Get Quote for a security, I have noted that if, in the 
same session of working with GnuCash, I return to the same security the Get 
Online Quotes option is not selected but the associated options are still 
intact. However (*second funny*), if I exit GnuCash (after saving of course) 
and then restart it and re-enter the Security Editor only those securities that 
were left ticked as Get Quotes retain the option information, all others are 
reset to the defaults.

These two funnies make getting security prices (using this method) somewhat 
tedious and may mean that I have to really screw up my courage and make the 
changes to the file.

Anticipating that one day I will screw up enough courage I have been 
investigating the file On my system I have five of them; in 
the directory ~/.cpan/build I have five directories three of the form

   Finance-Quote-1.44-0 (they are 1.44-0, 1.45-0 and 1.47-0)

and two of the form

   Finance-Quote-1.47-iGUjLI (both are for 1.47 but with different
   tails, one of them has a closed padlock superimposed on the folder icon)

Is this a *third funny*? Do I need all of them? If not, how do I determine 
which one I do need?

The *fourth **(or is it only the third?) **funny* I've noticed is that if I 
rename a data file the Get Quote column is no longer visible in the Security 
Editor window. It's easy to get back so this funny is trivial but, out of 
interest, as the data file has not changed, why does it happen?
You might try using yahoo-json instead of Alphavantage. It's not throttled.

First funny: Yes, it's intentional. The check box in the Securities dialog box 
is display-only.
Second funny: That's an artifact of the difference between the in-memory state of the 
Security object and its representation on disk; if  "get quotes" is off then 
the quotes element isn't written out.
Third funny: I haven't seen that before. I've only seen the ones with the tail 
(which I think is randomly generated at build time). I imagine that the lock is 
because the directory belongs to another user. You can run ls -l on it in a 
terminal to see. Once F::Q is installed you don't need any of them.
Fourth funny: That's because the window state of all windows lives in a file 
named after the data file. When you rename the file outside of GnuCash the 
correspondence is lost.

John Ralls

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