On 1 June 2015 at 16:30, Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> wrote:

> Facebook has just this morning announced limited support for OpenPGP.
> At present, it's limited to allowing users to upload an OpenPGP
> certificate, and Facebook using that certificate to encrypt all email
> communications between Facebook and the user.
> It's a small step forwards, but an exceptionally welcome one.
> Also, thanks to the individual in Facebook's security team[*] who tipped
> me off to this minutes after the release was official.  I had no advance
> notice of it, but the very instant it got rolled out FB made contact --
> with the expectation, I think, that I would spread the word, although no
> one asked me to do anything.
> Thanks, Facebook.  We really appreciate not just the new feature, but
> your reaching out to make sure the people who would most love this new
> feature know about it.  :)

Great news!

Now we just need a facebook app to generate keys ...

> [*] This individual has requested his affiliation with Facebook not be
> published, lest he start getting 50,000 emails a day from people asking
> him to reset their passwords.  If you know or have figured out who he
> is, please honor his request.  They've done us a favor: the least we can
> do is return it.
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