raf via Gnupg-users wrote:

> Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > some of you may remember the add-photo thread we had a while ago
> > and I wondered why the max image size for a UAT packet is 16 MB.
> > 
> > Recently I saw a Twitter post explaining that a .jpeg image header
> > can contain 16 MB of data.
> That's just decadence. :-)
> Just because it can, doesn't mean it should.
> 16MB is plenty. Use tinypng.com.

Well, at least people can use this teqnique to fire-up important
documents, which should be preserverd for the next generations,
since SKS is censor resistant and the Ubuntu keyserver allows
easy retrival of documents ...

BTW. I just found also the authors link on twitter.



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