Daniel Bossert wrote:

> Hi all
> Some years ago I used GnuPG, but somewhen stopped with it.
> Now I want to start again. However there are many rumors that it is 
> unsecure meanwhile.

Can you tell us what rumors you have heared? I would say the encryption
in GnuPG is secure, but sadly people tend to use encryption software on
online computers due to many tutorials, MUA plug-ins and their lazyness
and therefore it can never been guaranteed that the communications are
always secure.

P.S. Question for Werner and all the other hackers. Would it be very
difficult to read out the required decryption parameters, like p&q so to
speak, with a specially crafted software, when using an online computer
with a SmardCard? I have read that the secret key can not been copied from
the card, but what about the 'bits and pieces' in memory when decrypting?


box: 4a64758de9e8ceded2c481ee526440687fe2f3a828e3a813f87753ad30847b56
  certified OpenPGP key blocks available on keybase.io/stefan_claas

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