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The issues of Springs in Goa was highlighted on
22.12.2002 the website.  The Goans worldwide have
found the report appealing. Now comes a  request from
one of the netizens that something be done to a spring
named "ARCAR" in CURCA (Tiswadi Taluka)in survey No:40
admeasuring about 400m2 (adjoining the property of
landowner P Dhakankar resident at Ponda).The same is
accessible from Panaji via Merces Santana Batim to
Curca old Bridge.  
or from Cortalim via Pilar or Goa Velha. There are
regular buses available. There is a Hotel near the
spring for food. Refreshments and snacks are available
at the foot.   .

We believe that there is no policy or funds earmarked
for the SPRINGS in Goa as of now.  The introduction of
piped water has also led to the deterioration of all
water bodies and given the uncertainity of the
monsoons it is necessary the Government rejuvenates
the Springs in Goa.

We visited on 29.3.2003 the spring at 9.30 a.m and
inspected the site.  There are twelve households the
families are rustic but appear friendly and

The site of the spring is an old house which has now
partly collapsed.  The work is splendid.  There is no
water in the tank structure, but at a lower level
there is a continuous flow.  

According to the member Mr Subhash Dias of the Office
of the Village Panchayat Curca Bambolim & Talaulim
Tiswadi, Tel No: 2218565 he states that numerous
politicians visited the spring inspected it but not
much had been done.  

In 1995 work was executed pipes were laid but they
were stolen. 

 He himself humbly and meekly confessed that he was
implicated for corruption but he feigned innocence
because the then Secretary had passed the bills and he
feels that for technical reasons only there may be an
element of irregularity.

He squarely alleges the interference of the then MLA
Dr Carmo Pegado who wanted him to step down in favour
of another though he conceded to rotation of
Sarpanches.  Politics apart he is convinced that the
spring needs repairs.  

His wife Bhagirathi Dias is the present Sarpanch she
admitted that she runs the show by proxy as she was
near a public tap which provides water from one of the
seven tubewells used to wash clothes and utensils only
but not for drinking. For this they use two common
wells fro domestic consumption.  

The Dy Sarpanch Vivekanada S Volvoikar Tel No:2219126
(R)also agreed that the spring needs repairs, and
showed us a letter No:VP/CBT/2000-01/663 dated
18.01.2001 wherein vide resolution No:5(5) dated
15.01.2001 the members decided to request the
Department of Tourism to develop the same as a tourist

The Nagrik Kriti Samiti Convenor Agnelo Cardozo and
the Garbage Committee of which the Dy Sarpanch is a
member also believes that we need to develop the

Sir in our opinion what needs to be done
a) engage four villagers to clear the weeds around the
cost is @Rs 150 per day for two days. This will cost
b) there is a need to cement the stone built structure
and this needs to be assessed the work estimates in
our assessment with cement 20 bags @ Rs.    per bag
will cost Rs.                and workmenship engaging
local mason will be @ Rs.    per day for about 6 days.
(The Panchayat estimate for the works is Rs 15,000 may
be because he is quoting government rates for such
works) .
c) we have proposed to the member and Deputy Sarpanch
that the work executed should not be taken as a
business venture but as a part of community activity
to safe guard their village natural asset.
d) we proposed that one individual from the
surrounding the spring houses should be engaged to
look after the spring.  They expect an amount of Rs.
1000 per month 
e) There is a need for two electric poles and a sodium
vapour lamps at the site. 
f) There is a need for a bio-degradable and non
biodegradable dust bin at the site.

The other major problem is that the Military personnel
from the Signal Training Centre come to this place
they create a nuisance.  There was no visible sign of
this nuisance, but they have an access.  The women
folk also complain that women feel insecure with the
intrusion of these men in the vicinity.

It is therefore necessary to have an interaction with
the Commanding Officer 3 TTR or 5 TTR Bambolim to
ascertain the factual position and request them to
restrain from any untoward activity 
There are instance when some picnic parties also
indulge in liquor parties and create nuisance.  There
is therefore a need that the Police party at Agacaim
check post should rush to site to protect the
threatened villagers.  Once the fear sets in the
visitors will be more cautious.

The villagers prefer that the springs are maintained
as community assets to be enjoyed by locals and not
for commercial interests. 

Sir, there is merit in the need to preserve this
spring and it would be appreciated that since you have
privately visited the spring and ascertained the
ground reality as informed to us by the villagers. 
Due assitance be provided.  This will enable the
summer crowd to enjoy the spring waters.

We remain confident that due justice will be done. The
Panchayat is a II class category and is also believed
to be a scheduled caste panchayat getting special

Sir we also feel that if funds are not readily
available with the Government Goans worldwide could
also be asked to send in some funds to undertake the
spring work in their own villages. The funds received
should be given directly to the workers engaged in
that construction activity and maintainence of the
spring by opening an NRE account in the local bank.  

This is necessary so that NGOs are not tempted to use
part of the money for their individual requirements.
As we strongly believe that funds should go for the
cause directly.  

We would appreciate if a policy statement is made on
springs and funds allocated for the purpose.

Borda Margao 403 601 GOA

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