It was an extremely tense moments for the Organisors
as the unprecedented crowds of non catholics over 700
and others who thronged the Entry gates of the
Officers colony Sea Bird Project at Binaga Karwar
since 7.30 a.m. awaited their turn for the entry
passes.  These non catholics mostly natives of Binaga
and Karwar who frequented the Feast of Our Lady of
Springs Nossa Senhora de Brotas every year for almost
over a decade now at Anjediva Islands off Canacona at
Binaga but despite a patient wait till almost 2.00 p.m
had to go away. 

Endless queries made at Binaga Karwar and Goa by the
faithful in India and abroad, since the beginning of
the year due to uncertainity of the celebrations
following the order of the erstwhile Station Commander
Sea Bird Cmdr B. R. Rao  dated 4/7/2002 that "visits
would be stopped since May 2003 due to construction of
the  North breakwater" had caused concern.

And a  further lie and misrepresentation of facts by
the erstwhile Station Commander Sea Bird Commodore B R
Rao to the Defence Ministry Govt of India that a "
DOZEN TEMPLES WERE SHIFTED" when  in reality only a
temple of Somnath on the mainland was shifted from
Killebag near the Sea bird entry gate and placed a
little beyond and all others were "ghumties" akeen to
roadside crosses seen in Goa.

This almost sealed the fate of the Church and the
feasts or visit to the Island as the  Defence Minister
Mr George Fernandes drew the conclusion in his letter
dated 29th April, 2003 to CM Manohar Parrikar of Goa
(who donated  Rs.25,000 towards repairs of the Church
on 15.4.2002 to this writer ) and subsequently to
Madam Sonia Gandhi Leader of the Opposition Lok Sabha
" that in view of the  stated position     as above
--we need to follow a uniform policy towards people of
ALL  religious faiths implying thereby  the Church
should also be shifted.  Goa  ex CM Pratapsing Rane
also lent  credence to this lie without verifying
facts  by his statement on  the floor of the Goa
Legislative Assembly in August 2002 thus providing
another  handle to Cmdr B R Rao's blatant lie. 
Ironically  the order dated 26.7.1989 of the Goa
Government clearly stated that "the Navy should allow
on the Island the celebration of customary feast of St
Francis de Assisi (4th Oct ) and Nossa Senhora de
Brotas (2nd Feb ) subject to security consideration
yet this was being breached and the laity had to plead
with the Naval authorities.  

The Church and the Goa Government were silent
spectators and moved only when the ground swell was
created to protect the Church.  One Chapel of St
Francis de Assisi is already in ruins due to this
neglect and no fingers were raised visit

Given this background  despite efforts being made
since early January and also before (with several
representations to the President of India and Defence
Minister and all those that matter for permission for
the Feast )  negotiations got underway with the new
incumbent Station Commander Sea Bird Commodore S S
Karnik (who incidentally served in Vasco-da-Gama Goa 
for over eight years).  

It was  finally agreed as late as on 31st forenoon
(Saturday) that permission for the Feast on 2
February,2004 was granted BUT subject to stringent
security measures and that only 300 natives and 100 to
those hailing from Goa would be issued ENTRY PASSES.
This figure was finally raised to about 500.

Moreover the Parish Priest of Binaga Fr Britto D Silva
who oversees the activities of Anjediva as the
representative of the Archdiocese of Goa & Daman was
directed to furnish by 1st February, 2004 latest 5.30
p.m.  the list of such persons bearing name age and
sex following receipt of which the passes would be
issued.  It was explained that being such short notice
it would be extremely difficult to ascertain pick and
choose the select 300+100 persons (natives and
Goans)and it was imposible to have restricted entry to
a select few for a religious function which was
ironically frequented by Hindus and Catholics for
several years in Goa and Karwar. 

But there was no relenting from the Sea Bird
authorities .

Simulataneously messages were flashed by word of mouth
and telephonically to Goa detailing the stringent
requirements.  However there was some indications that
the relaxation may be enventually granted only to
others who the Naval authorities concluded would
"disturb" the religious proceedings or "partying  at
the beach" . 

This was a ridiculous inference  of the Naval
authorities and smacked a partisan attitude.

But despite this unprecedented "directions" perhaps in
any religious function of such a mass following In
India such as this one, the Parish Priest of Binaga Fr
Britto D Silva set the ball  rolling and began
registering the names of the participants in the Feast
from Binaga only.  From Goa only a few could be
contacted mainly from Galgibag in Canacona
(incidentally Anjediv Island came under its
jurisdiction before Binaga due to georgraphical
proximity )

On the Feast day yet another set of passes were issued
but accept for just 25 from Galgibag in Goa no passes
were issued.  

Later when this writer co-ordinating the Goa scene
demanded in no uncertain terms that there will be no
restrictions whatsoever and ALL WILL HAVE TO BE PER
MITTED finally had to segregrate the people from Goa
obtain their names and only after a delayed effort at
the Sea Bird Commanders office at about 12.00 p.m. got
the blanket sanction to allow all those from Goa
inside with only annnouncement of the names.  Further
they were given a separate Gate at the Administrative
Wing to enter inside. However due to no other
representative on the Goa side and the tense moments
at the other gates with the Police asked to control
the traffic on national Highway by the Karnataka DC
several Goans thinking that the Mass may be held later
had no patience and left. Therewere at last count 797
Goans admitted in without any difficulty upto 1.15

However the surging crowds of non Catholics denied
admission despite parleys by Cairperson Karwar
Municipality, Ms Veena Badkar, Mr Chatrapati Mhalsekar
Councillor Mr Arvind Tendulkar Councillor Fr Britto
Silva with the Station Commander Seabird could not
cutmuch ice, and only a few managed to get it in after
much pleading.  The entire national Highway was
littered with cars and people mostly women and
children in the hot scorching sun but the navy played
spoil sport and only confounded the confusion.

The Concelebrated High sung mass slated for 11.30 a.m.
(IST) finally got underway at 1.15 p.m only when the
last visitor was permitted as assured by Fr Britto D
Silva to all participants.

However Fr Britto D Silva received tremendous
commendation for his valiant attempt to get the non
Catholics in as he registered his protest over the
Navy highandedness and refused point blank to enter
the Sead Bird area and Anjediv to partake in the
religious function until all the non catholic visitors
of Binaga were let in as in the past several decades
to ensure the traditional communal harmony in Karwar 
The gathering melted into emotional tears when the
traditional hymn "Zorinche Saibinni" was being sung,
at the fag end of the Concelebrated High Mass which
started at 2.35 p.m.  at the Feast of Nossa Senhora de
Brotas (Our Lady of Springs) Anjediva which was
solemnised by Fr Lorens D Silva, (brother of Fr Britto
D Silva )  Fr Marian of Galgibago Fr Eeremito
Rodrigues of Rachol Seminary Fr Bruno Fernandes Fr
Valeriano D Souza Fr Kurien Karaddy (named as
Anjedivacho Pisso because he was responsible for the
festivities held at Anjediva since 1983 as Parish
Priest of Binaga )

The Church has its middle portion of the  roof  nearly
fallen off . This writer insisted with the Sea Bird
authorities  for exclusive photographs of the function
by handing over his camera to the officials and
obtained the same  for posterity (some are attached

The near ruin of the Church is a clear breach of the
assurances given by then Chief of Naval Staff Admiral
Sushil Kumar in a letter to the Archbishop dated
24.4.2000 that "while we would be very happy, in fact
eager to allow the unhindered continuance of the age
old celebration of feasts in these cradles of the
Catholic faith in India .....and we would also like to
assure you that the Navy would treat these precious
historical shrines with utmost care and respect and
would maintain them in pristine shape  in violation of
the agreed terms of handing over the Island in 1987.  

The Chapel of St Francis de Assisis is also in ruins
owing to this neglect.

There are 44 canons lying on the Island and the
Directorate of Archieves has a full dossier on this
ready for action if the Goa government shows its
willingness to retrieve these historical assets. The
CM has been asked to do the needful. 

However there are moments where the Sea bird
authorities deserve commendation. For the first time
they cleaned the entire Church premises.  Much to the
satisfaction of the women toilets were provided and on
purely humantitarian grounds they also provided clean
drinking water to all . Movement was restricted only
around the Church .  After the Feast Mass the
participants had their lunch.

All the visitors were escorted in by the Navy
personnel, in their specially arranged midi buses and
tempos a clear 10 miniutes winding drive to the island
( no more sea travel ) but then further a 1.8 km
granite pebbled road walk took about 30 minutes.

The entire festivities wound up at 6.35 p.m. but
except for the disenchantment with the Seab Bird
Officials over the refusal of entry to the non
catholic natives of Binaga and karwar by the Sea Bird
officials on a silly pretext and the rationing of
passes giving unduly short notices, the entire Feast
went of peacefully giving it a nail biting finish.

Fr Eeremito forcefuilly pleaded that the Sea Bird
authorities should organise the festival in a more
organised manner and give due respect to the emotive
feelings of the people to avoid a communal divide.  He
pleaded that the authorities should repair the
historical church and preserve it in its pristine

Commodore S S Karnik however needs to be commended for
for making the entire Feast a reality.  The several
officers that this writer interacted with agreed that
next year the function will be definitely be organised
in a better way.  Staff Officer Suresh Chand, Lt
Kaplijal and Lt Harry  co-ordinated effectively
despite constraints.

There was tension mounted as the Navy initially chose
to restrict the crowd to just 500 both from Goa and
Karwar.  The people of Karwar  revere Our Lady of
Nossa Senhora de Brotas with the same solemnity as
they do to Lord Narasimha esconed on the other Island
near by. There has never been a death by drowning in
the sea at Anjediva and this they attribute to Our
Lady of Springs. There are many myths surrounding the
pre Portuguese era which commenced with the visit of
VascodaGama on 24.9.1948.   Thereafter the first Mass
solemnised on 22.8.and Christianity in Goa began from
this Island 37,0032 hectares  where the Mother Church
was built in 1500 - 1506 it bears the insignia on one
of its three altars.Such churches need to be protected
as ancient mmonuments under the 1958 Act applicable to
the UT of Goa Daman & Diu on 15.8.1963. Being built
before the Babri Masjid the Taj Mahal and before the
birth of St Francis Xavier in the earlier part of 1500

The present Church was built in 1729 (275 years ago)
Since the Church is steeped in history and predates
all other it is needed to  preserve protect and
maintain these monuments.  The World Heritage Group is
being asked to see the feasibility of this action.

t is hoped that the new Archbishop of Goa will
immediately take up the case of Feast of Nossa Senhora
de Brotas on 2nd Feb and St Francis de Assisi on 4 Oct
and maintainence of the Church and Chapel on the
Anjediv Island with the Defence authorities and the
Government of India.  The Chief Minister Mr Manohar
Parrikar even though the issue as he states is 18
years old MUST ensure that the 44 canons and other
items are brought to Goa and preserve this historical
site.  As once the breakwater route is asphalted
movement of men and material to the Island will be

Co-Operation of Cmdr S S Karnik if sought will
definitely yield results.

from Anjediva Island 
Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda  Margao Goa 

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