1)Managing Director,
2)Chief Commercial Manger,
Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd;
Belapur Maharashtra
Dear Sirs
You have still not provided the information on
List of names of "landlosers" in  Goa and the
percentage of land lost, by each of them
List of names of persons from amongst the landlosers
who have already been provided opportunities by KRCL
The Policy document for grant of commercial contracts
- by KRCL dated 20.11.2002  and 4.2.2003
Jurisdiction for settlement of disputes, the
respective stated Goa Karnataka or  Maharashtra of
those awarded commercial contracts
It is reiterated that the awarded of cybercafe to an
alleged "landloser" is irregular as the policy of
allotment was decided only on 4.2.2004 after the award
was made and the agreement signed by the party on
It is also demanded that landlosers in Goa be given
the preference for stations within Goa depending on
the merit and % of land lost in the State.
The matter has been taken up with the MP Rajya Sabha
Mr Eduardo Faleiro to safeguard the interests of the
locals, hence your stoic silence on the matter is
It is the desire of the people of  Goa to ensure that
the Konkan Railway Corporation functions as a clean
transperent body and does not entertain favours from
any sector whether they are politicians or otherwise. 
It is the demand that all should be fair and above
You are once again requested to place your views on
the matter.and ensure that the Agreement dated
9.12.2003 awarded to the party before framing on
4.2.2004 the policy of  allotment of cybercafes is
revoked forthwith. The people of Goa will not tolerate
such deafening silence and usurping of what is
legitimately ours and safeguarded under the sacred
Constitution of India.
B-F-4 1st Floor Hillside Apts
St Joaquim Road 
Borda Margao Goa 

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