----- Forwarded message from Joaquim Cardozo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
    Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 23:05:21 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Joaquim Cardozo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Eugene,
You're right. But anyone can do it in the name of Jesus. Here in Q8 we also 
attend parties/secret parties on Good Fridays as Friday is = to a weekend here 
in Q8. The Easter show looked more in defiance with the regular and prestigious 
May Ball 2004 also orgainsed by the State of Goa members.
Note: Small family, happy family.  Smallest state, more problems, too many 
organizations proving 'No Unity'.
Regular Reader & Observer - Goenkar

Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I didn't know Easter comes so late in Kuwait!

The write-up on Francisco Sardinha made him look like
he was a film-star. Words such as "tall and handsome".


----- End forwarded message -----

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