Hi Fred,

How can one get in touch with Fr Xavier Pinto?

I am glad that some priests and nuns have now vowed to treat their servants 
(Christians and non-Christians) as people with human
dignity and not extract work out of them without any consideration whatsoever.

The Catholic Church pioneered the movement to give workers dignity and justice 
without being exploited  --  to this extent we should
refer to the following Encyclicals:

1.  RERUM  NOVARUM  (ON CAPITAL & LABOUR)   by Pope Leo XIII on May 15th 1891

2.  MATER  ET  MAGISTRA by Pope John XXIII of May 15th, 1961.

(Both these Encyclicals -- English translation  --  can be accessed from Papal 
Encyclicals online  www.papalencyclicals.net  --  )

However, my own observations have been that a very large number of priests, 
nuns and religious do not seem to have read or digested
the Church's teaching on this subject even to the extent that they rarely 
encourage formation of workers' unions nor do they advise
employees to join such unions in their places of work.  Where some courageous 
priests and nuns have taken up the challenge of
helping workers get their rightful dues and treatment, their superiors have in 
most cases condemned their actions.

I think most Christian teachers in Christian schools have heard "God will 
Bless you" from their religious priest or nun Principal
when they are called upon to do extra work  without payment of over time --  
while non-Christian teachers are not called upon nor
expected to do this type of extra work.

Today we see new very well equipped modern schools being set up by private 
bodies / politicians, which pay their teachers very
handsome salaries, do not expect their students to take tuitions nor encourage 
their teachers to give tuitions and yet make
fantastic profits  --  whereas our schools and colleges are permanently crying 
poverty and yet giving dedicated service to the
education of the young without consideration of caste, religion or class  --  
in many cases making such education facilities
available to those who could not ordinarily pay for this service.

Our Lord said "The worker is worthy of this hire"  --  I wish  our priests and 
nuns in schools, hospitals, parishes would ensure
that their employees get salaries which would enable to live DECENT  LIVES.

Fr Xavier Pinto has started by converting priests and nuns in Asansol  --  I 
pray that he and others like him will convert all
priests and nuns throughout India to dealing with their employees with justice 
and dignity.



---- Original Message -----
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Priests, Nuns Of Asansol Diocese Resolve To Treat Workers With Dignity


ASANSOL, West Bengal (SAR NEWS) -- Workers of the Church institutions
and parishes of Asansol Diocese, cheer. For, the Catholic priests and
nuns have vowed to shun flippancy towards their employees and treat them
with dignity.

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