> --- Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:  
> Michael Burleigh's acclaimed "A New History of the
> Third Reich" is illuminating in this matter, as it
> draws a connecting link between religious passion
> and the excesses of Nazism.
Mario observes:
"Acclaimed"??  By whom?  All that is being illuminated
are some atheist delusions since none of these books
explain how someone who repudiates by their words and
actions every tenet of religion still has a
"connecting link" to that religion.
I am fascinated by the atheists on Goanet and their
verbal contortions while trying to make connections
between religion and the excesses of Nazi-ism, while
denying their own connections to the religions they
were born into and hoping everyone will forget the far
more direct connections between atheist passion  and
the far greater excesses of the communist atheists
from Joe to Mao to Ho to Pol to Fidel.

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