Ponda market strike.BANDA.

Tomorrow, 12th August 2015, CITU affiliated union, Ponda Vyapari Sanghatana
has called for strike.
Traditional Wednesday market of Ponda will remain close as the Ponda
vendors and hawkers strike  against the 300% hike in sopo tax by the Ponda
municipal council's decision.

Around 10. 30 am Ponda Vyapari Sanghtana (Hawkers and Vendors) will lead a
Morcha to submitting a memorandum of demands to the Chief Officer of Ponda
Municipal Council.
To  (1) Immediate rollback of SOPO Tax Hike and also
(2) Abolish SOPO TAXES.
(3) Immediate criminal and Vigilance enquiries into as to how the minimum
bid amount for tender auction of SOPO tax was set at same old level though
SOPO tax was proposed to be increased by 4 time.
(4) Immediate implementation of Street Vendors Act passed by Parliament.

Plz join us to save the people's livelihood and heritage under the
leadership of CITU.

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