Goan organisations in Canada are already sending help to Fort Murray.

If they have not contacted you for donations, you can always give Tim de
Mello a call. He will give you more info on all that his group is doing to
help out and I am sure that your actions will be louder than your words.

Secondly, a little while ago you had objections to pay $5 extra for
cultural entertainment that the GOA was providing. The funds raised thru
such cultural activities have been used to help out others in dire needs.
Raising funds is not an easy task. Talking is.


On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Roland <> wrote:

> Alberta's wildfire that has almost devastated the town of Fort Murray has
> put all of its residents in dire situations.
> Hard to imagine being urgently evacuated such that you don't have time to
> look for and carry your underwear, let alone any other item precious to you
> either of value or of sentiment.
> This is the time all our Goan associations dig into their fattened but
> useless reserves, money that is useful to no one but the bank, and dip into
> it to give to the unfortunate souls affected by the wildfires.
> Roland Francis
> 416-453-3371

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