Dear Goanet (, 


In postscript are details about our suggestions to the newly inducted Goa
government which will further bolster current Goa government motto of Goem,
Goenkar, Goenkarponn by creating the much needed high-income modern
employment options for our youth without having to leave the state.  

While the state government is going to prepare the Common Minimum Program,
we hope Goa government puts its full thrust on Information Technology for
creation of jobs for Goan youth. We request your support to push the govt
into action. Kindly cover this story in your publications and let us know if
you need any quotes or bytes from our Executive Team. 

Thank you very much.


Goa IT Professionals - GITP |  <> |


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Goa IT Professionals - GITP" < <>>
Date: Mar 15, 2017 3:38 PM
Subject: Administrative recommendations for Modern Employment Generation
To: < <>>, <
<>>, "Vijai
Sardesai" < <>>, "Rohan Khaunte" < <>>, "cm goa" < <>>, "cmo goa"
< <>>
Cc: "Narendra Sawaikar" < <>>, "Shripad Naik" < <>>, "gitp_core" < <>>

To: Hon. Chief Minister, members of ruling alliance
CC: Press

Dear members of the Goa Govt.,

In the past Goa has suffered because of rampant outward migration of its
youth resulting in the dilution of its identity. The political parties that
are part of the new government had stressed upon job creation in their
manifestos. The government has to enable citizens to earn their livelihood
rather than depend on allowances given by the government.


Goa already has a disproportionate number of civil servants per capita. All
future job creation needs to happen in the private sector in knowledge-based
and green industries such as IT, Electronics and manufacturing. We should
have high-income modern employment options for our youth without having to
leave the state. The government now needs to get working in this direction
from Day One. This is the only way we can get rid of the immoral economy
that is currently powering Goa.
We request certain changes to the administrative setup:
Industry and IT should be headed by a single minister
It is necessary to build a perception about Goa as an investment-friendly
state. The minister will be expected to coordinate among the departments and
take holistic decisions. Several industries complement each other. IT
industry works for other industries. They cannot be looked at in isolation.
The minister needs to be energetic and have excellent communication skills
to be able to interact with potential investors.

Departments of Industries and IT should have a single full-time director
So far the Directors have been given additional charge leaving them no time
to focus on effective functioning of their departments. All states have a
full-time Director for these critical departments. Goa being a small state
should appoint a single IAS officer in charge of both the departments.
Again, this role requires a dynamic and energetic individual. 
The departments should be given time-bound targets in terms of job creation
in the private sector.

Involve industry professionals as advisers
Several professionals like us are willing to voluntarily offer their
services and expertise to the Government. We request the government to
capitalize on this motivation of professionals from the industry and involve
them in the policy-making and its execution. 

All the infrastructure that is getting developed needs to benefit Goan
natives and not just tourists. For that to happen, Goans have to be retained
in Goa. We hope the new dispensation will give utmost importance to
fulfilling this need Goa screams for. As a responsible organisation, The Goa
IT Professionals pledge their support, time and energy in bringing back our
sons of soil.



Goa IT Professionals - GITP |  <> |

Important links:  <> About GITP |
<> GITP on Social Network |
<> GITP Core Team |
<> Goa Skills Registry - GSR |
<> Project GEIT


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