According to the Culavamsa’the chronthe of the Buddhist which is a record
of the most notable events from about the 4th century to 1815 …drought,
floods , pestilence, demographically catastrophic disease like small pox
devastated  significant gag and SJV ins.

 The culavanusa records  several of the miracles  performe d by St Jose  Vaz

*Miracle 1 Contest With The Magicians *

 In the Kandyan Kingdom, devil worshipping  magicians were invited by the
king to make it rain -  SJV was also invited ..he requested that he and his
followers be allowed to pray. The Magicians prayed first but nothing
happened …SJV and his followers  prayed  and there was deluge. Needless to
say King Vimaladharmasuriya  and his entourage, respected SJV but the King
remained  a Buddhist  but one of his nephews converted, travelled to
Portugal, and became a Catholic Priest.

*Miracle 2:* He once came to a bank of a river where there was a
raging  monsoon
flood. He raised a cross and called his followers to join him…..told them
to cross the tamed river while he stood behind and then crossed himself…

*Miracle 3 Calming Elephants on Stampede *

Like the gnu of Tanzania,  when hundreds hurtle themselves to be drowned or
 eaten by crocodile so  too do elephants go on a frenzy  (also used as a
hunting technique ) ….SJV calmed these behemoths,

The greatness of SJV was that he started the Goan Oratory consisting
entirely of indigenous Goan priests who were of the low cast. Several of
the priests were his relatives including   his nephew and biographer Father
Sebastian do Rego,  SJV was appointed the Vicar Apostolic of Ceylon..To put
it mildly there were problems.

In 2016 Pope Franciscis , Yes Pope Francis declared him a a Saint in a huge
gathering in Colombo

*Can somebody FN, tell me what do the **following mean:*

Tamil <>: புனித யோசப் வாஸ்

Sinhalese <>: ශාන්ත ජුසේ
වාස් මුනිතුමා,

??????ලංකා අපොස්තුළුවරයා

2)  The place where SJV was baptized, went to school, the houses of his
relatives are all known in Goa …something can be done

3)  SJV died on the 16 of January 1710  we do not enen know where he was
buried …..GET TO WORK DNA archaeologist. historians

Here are some useful sites


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*LETS CELEBRATE THE FEAST OF SJV on 16 Jan 2019 in Style*

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