           * * * * *                http://www.goanet.org                * * * 
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Stage Play:  ON  THE  HOLY  TRAIL
Staged By:   The Mustard Seed Art Company 
Where:         Kala Academy - Mini Open-air Auditorium
When:          Dec 20 & 21, 2007  @  7pm

Read a Review at:

Joe: Try a smaller number( say 50) or email Yahoo for transmital
specs. -- venantius

> From: JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sorry guys, no card this year..
> i will think something else.

Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!
Send classic greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper
Visit http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/xmas/


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