Dear Gilbert,

Thank you for your wishes and we hope that you will participate in
this event which is practically in your backyard.

There was a certain hesitancy on my part to be so prominently involved
with this convention, given, as you have so rightly pointed out, my
outspoken views on this and other fora.  However, regardless of my
personal beliefs or lack therof, my heart lies with the fact that I am
a Goan first and everything else after.

Many on the executive committee were involved with the earlier
conventions and it will be interesting to see how far we have come as
a community. We are standing on the shoulders of giants and have
comfort in the fact that they have endorsed this effort 100%. The
earlier academic conferences had the benefit of an established
organization but this is the first time that the agenda will be based
on cyber-input from the worldwide Goan community.  We hope to utilize
the state-of-the-art technology at the UTM venue to webcast the
proceedings back to you.  So please don't hold back on what you intend
to see achieved at this event and, putting your money where your mouth
is, ATTEND and CONTRIBUTE to it!  We are only providing the facilities
for you to provide the content.

As a newly formed independent group, we hope to be able to bring
together the dozen or so existing local groups for a common cause.
Historically, most of the larger organized diasporic groups in the
Toronto area are made up of people who have arrived here via some
other country or area, eg. G.O.A. (Africa) and their subset the
Tanzanites, CanOrient (primarily from Pakistan which started out as
the Pioneer Club), Ex-Emirates (Gulf), Bombay Connexion,
Manglorean-Canadian Association etc.

Their focus has primarily been social in the past but we are now
seeing a maturing to include a local support structure for new
immigrants etc. with spin offs like the Goan Charitable Organization
and the International Goan Organization (both originally formed under
the auspices of the GOA).  However, being one or more generations
removed from Goa, in general the land of their ancestors is not
necessarily a priority even if the culture and cusine is familiar.

There are, thankfully, many exceptions within their organizations
which gives us hope that they will be enthusiastic participants in a
convention which aims to focus on what the diaspora can do for the Goa
we yearn to retain.  Change is inevitable but disorganized and
haphazard development, of the type we are seeing today in a land that
is flush with foreign money, needs to be channeled in a way that is
independent of the vagaries of the fickle administration.

To do this effectively, we have to engage our younger generation, who
have to buy into a sustainable future for their motherland.  Many
consider themselves Goan without the slightest idea of what that
means.  We hope to give them a sense of identity with the proposed
workshops and engage them in a constructive way for the betterment of

Reading this list gives me hope that we will have one great
convention.  Please send your suggestions and ideas to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you can contribute in any way, would
like to present your views or have a plan that fits with our
G.I.A.N.T. theme (Goan Identity And Networking Today) please feel free
to contact any one of the executive committee from


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 10:37:03 -0800
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Most faces and names on the web link are veteran goanetters. Yet it is
interesting, they are not using goanet to start a dialogue on the
"Strategic LONG-TERM and SHORT-TERM GOALS" of such national /
international Goan conventions. And how these meetings can build on
successes of past meetings and provide practical direction of future

Kind Regards, GL

Let go of the past and the moments old,
Cast yourself in a brand new mould!
Get set to rise on newer horizons
Let's "develop new dimensions"!!
- Pravin Sabnis

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