Heart to Heart
By Ethel Da Costa

Can God atleast save Goa?

Because apparently He's given up on India, according to the Supreme Court? For a multi-faceted country like ours, imagine all Gods giving up on us collectively? Like a mega strike by the heavenly bodies against one single, physical entity? Am I supposed to react with anger, amusement or despondency? My morning tea has since turned sour waiting for a course of action.

On a friend's recommendation, I picked up `The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins and pondered long and intellectually on His existence. No answers there, mate,except that Dawkins most certainly does not believe God exists. And that is no respite for my questioning mind. So, is this state of limbo a spiritual delusion we've all been living in for centuries? Is it true for India as well? I escaped to Ambolim in the bosom of Nature to find some precious peace of mind for contemplation. To my disbelief, I found that even baby monkeys all over the ghats posed for photographs with practiced élan. The laws of Natural Selection ensuring that animals adapt faster than the extinct dodo who disappeared some moons ago. Not to forget, drunken men in wet half chadis and grossly protruding pot bellies hollering on the slippery roads in the most unbecoming manner, that even monkeys dotting the highway conducted themselves in far well behaved decorum. Is this an evolution reversal? The torrential rain at Ambolim could not drown the drumming inside my head. Nor the mist swirling romantically against my car, as we sped through the fog, distract the chilling questions leaping out of my ears. Back home, I woke up to a Monday morning, annoyed.

My anger perhaps is justified because the country's apex court is right in saying it, as it is. It's simply the bloody truth. On the face and no words minced in between. Why pretend otherwise? Why beat around the bush? That yes, not even God can save this country anymore, as long as we have scum of the earth disguised as politicians, bureaucrats, police, clerks, peons, file pushers, political kin dropping names and their runners abusing our administration, laws, monies and its policing bodies to their own advantage. It's like a zoo of greedy, moral-less humanity let loose on this country, on a rampage plundering whatever little is left of the law-abiding citizen, who, as I see it, can't really seek succor from those in their jobs to protect and uphold the law. Is it any wonder that acts of terror have become everyday occurrences in the midst of our everyday lives? Like, you know, your building has no water, yet your landlord harasses you to pay the water bill!! In real life, even simple pleasures like watching the sunset with your best buddy invites cops to descend on you like moral police shunting you out of their sight? And if-you-may-please, threatening to take you to jail and impound your car with it!? If they treat normal adults such, can you imagine the fate of teenagers catching a stroll on the beach with nothing on their minds, but a peaceful evening out with friends? But hey, does all this moral policing ensure that we are a safe State? Who are you kidding! I'm all for night patrol and street nakabandis. In fact, night patrol frequencies should be increased across city peripheries, but please spare us normal citizens the intimidating tone of weight throwing. Are Goa's cops policing terror or abetting it with their own goondari? Can you blame Babush - now a minister - to take on the police station with a show of brute physical force? He openly expresses no regret for his street fisticuff with Panjim's uniformed minstrels and would rather police himself. Can you blame Narvekar for plundering the sentiments of cricket lovers and filling his own greedy pockets with the loot? Or, Churchill Alemao shape shifting his awesome weight from one party to another when berths and tickets skip under his mighty nose? Poor, poor Digamber trying to keep these errant children together under one roof. I shudder this soap opera that has outlasted its TRPs and weathered down to cold, stale yesterday's broth. Can Goa switch to another channel, please?

So, does this affect your life and mine? You bet, it does. Especially when you begin to feel like a second class citizen in your own home-state, because right from the shop-keeper to the hairdresser to the driver and landlord will look mighty annoyed if you so much as demand better service to the money you're paying him to stay in business. Because now the driver, hairdresser, shopkeeper and assorted Goan service providers has suddenly woken up to the fact that they have the option to entertain the `outsider' who will not bargain, who will not complaint, who will simply doll out more money to state his presence in your life. Money buys loyalties these days. Your once familiar community acquaintances will simply shift attention to somebody they can fleece charmingly. How many times have I seen Goans sucking up to this way of life? And no apologies here. They have simply ceased to care and instead dislike if you frown this new standard of `friendly neighbourhood' ethics. Surely I endorse `change' as the only constant and progress the yardstick to globalization, but, do we have to obliterate our identity and courteous traditions to achieve this change of status? This country and State is really going to the dogs, isn't it?

Somebody please tell me it's not..

The rain has been pelting hard and mercilessly against my window as I write this. Dawkins has replaced Ayn Rand's `The Virtue of Selfishness.' Perhaps, the answer to this generation's malady and mine lie in the philosopher's vision of "self first before altruism?" Is that why she died young and mad? God - if He can hear me at all - do make time to save at least Goa. (ENDS)

The Ethel Da Costa weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the August 3, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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