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Dear Friends,
Greetings to each one of you!
In the course of the current discussions on the Freedom Fighters, I was quite 
surprised to read that the credit of the victory of the 
Opinion Poll of Goa is being given Dr. Jack de Sequeira alone.  In this 
connection, I would like to shed some light on the real 
situation that prevailed during the historic Opinion Poll and who were the real 
‘unsung heroes’ who deserve more credit than 
anyone else. The untold story goes somewhat like this:
The Opinion Poll to maintain the status of Goa was fought by all the 12 
Opposition Party M.L.A.s, who were elected to the 
Legislative Assembly of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu, for the term 
1963-68.   Each of the 12 M.L.A.s named 
below played a vital role in ensuring the victory of the Opinion Poll.  They 
Dr. Jack de Sequeira, Panjim; Mr. J.L.J. Araujo, St. Cruz; Mr. J.M. D’Souza, 
Calangute; Mr. Valente Sequeira, Aldona;  
Mr. Teotonio Pereira, St. Andre; Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa, Cortalim; Smt. Urminda 
Lima Leitao, Murmagao; 
Dr. Marelio Furtado, Benaulim; Mr. Vasudev Salmarkar, Margao; Mr. Enio Pimenta, 
Curtorim; Dr. Alvaro Loyola Furtado, 
Navelim; Mr. Sebastiao Mazrello, Cuncolim.  
Apart from the 12 United Goans (Sequeira & Furtado Groups) M.L.A.s of that 
time, a large number of genuine Goan Leaders, 
other than those associated with the Maharashtra Gomantak Party, Renowned 
Tiatrists,  Press Personnel, Industrialists, 
Businessmen & Common men/women, joined forces to fight the historic Opinion 
Poll, under the banner of Anti-Merger Front, 
and worked tirelessly to ensure that the status of Goa remained intact, along 
with Daman & Diu, as it’s integral parts.  
In my honest opinion, it is very unfair and unjust to single out, Dr. Jack de 
Sequeira, as the architect of the Opinion Poll and 
attribute the victory to him.  He has played the role just as every other Goan 
has played.  No doubt, he was one of the many 
who deserved the credit for the historic landslide victory, but the fact 
remains that the victory was, mainly due to the huge 
differences in votes polled in the constituencies of South Goa.  No single 
leader could have ever saved Goa from merger, 
had it not been for the over whelming support of the people of Goa.  Let is be 
clearly understood that it was purely a victory 
of the PEOPLE of GOA and no one else needs to be given credit for the same.  It 
is the true GOANS who saved GOA!
Long Live Goa and Goans!!
With kind regards,

Rabindra Pimenta
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