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Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:57:41 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes <gabe.mene...@gmail.com>

The liberal radio host, Steven Collins, said: "We have serious issues right
now. We have a huge economy, millions of people out of work.

"It's so ridiculous that we're sitting here tonight wasting time talking
about, 'Is he an American?' Come on!"

The reason, he said, was that "many people in this nation cannot still
accept the fact that a brilliant African-American is the commander-in-chief, 
and they're looking for ways to reduce the greatness of his purity as a person 
who is serving this nation."

Mario responds:

>From my reading of the law, President Obama is a natural born American and 
>thereby qualified to be president regardless of where he was born - as long as 
>his American mother had not renounced her American citizenship and there is no 
>evidence that she had.

John McCain, his opponent, was born in Panama.

The problem that the so-called "birthers" have is that no one has seen an 
original of President Obama's official birth certificate.  What is circulating 
on the Internet is not a copy of this.  It is a copy of a "Certificate of Live 
Birth" which is not the same thing.

The controversy involving the "birthers" could be quickly ended if President 
Obama would authorize the Government of Hawaii, where he was clearly born as 
the birth announcements in two local newspapers the day after he was born also 
confirm, to release his original birth certificate.  However, he has refused to 
do.  I have no idea why.

However, when one analyzes his "brilliance" the evidence is shaky.  His 
supporters keep repeating this myth over and over again and have begun to 
believe themselves.

Here is a limited list of reasons why his "brilliance" is questionable:

1. His unnecessary distortions of his own family history:

2. His college transcripts at Columbia and Harvard have been sealed from the 
public, leading to speculation like the one below:

3. He repeatedly has said one thing and done the exact opposite, which has led 
to a considerable loss in credibility as people watch what he does.

4. He has repeatedly denied his past personal relationships only to have 
reporters subsequently prove that he had lied.

5. He said during the campaign that he had already visited 57 states and had 
one more to go.  The guy was allegedly a teacher of constitutional law.

6. He said before his recent trip where he genuflected before King Abdullah of 
Saudi Arabia that the US was one of the leading Muslim countries in the world.

7. He said when felicitating Apollo astronauts a few days ago that he had 
watched their capsule splash down in the Pacific on TV as a child in Hawaii.  
When Apollo 11 returned from the first moon landing Obama was a child in 

8. He believes socialism helps the poor, in spite of all the evidence to the 

9. He thinks greenhouse gases can be controlled without the involvement of 
India, China, Brazil, Mexico and other less developed countries.  I guesss, as 
a smoker, he did not notice what happens to the air in a non-smoking section 
when the same room has a smoking section:-))

10. He continually blames his predecessor, President Bush, for actions and 
decisions he himself supported and voted for as a Senator, hoping no one will 

11. He blames the deficits during the Bush years on "tax cuts", especially for 
"the rich", when anyone who looks at the government records could see that 
total taxes increased sharply during the Bush years after Bush supported cuts 
in tax rates, and the percentage of total taxes paid by "the rich" also 
increased sharply.  The deficits were caused by excessive federal spending that 
Obama voted for, not because taxes had declined.

The fact is that Obama's popularity is built on a fantasy house of cards.  He 
spent only 150 days in the US Senate before spending 18 months running for 
President.  He accepted his pay without representing his constituents from 
Illinois and only resigned after he won.  During his tenure he did not author a 
single bill in the Senate while finding the time to write TWO personal 
autobiographies, some say with a ghost writer, but still amazing for someone 
with no special achievements.

However, President Obama is certainly "brilliant" when reading a pre-prepared 
speech from a teleprompter.  Watch his head swivel from screen to screen the 
next time you wqatch him speak.  It almost looks like he is watching a tennis 
match:-))  He is hardly as glib without benefit of this crutch.

He also uses a teleprompter to communicate with his wife and children!

OK, OK!  I made the last one up:-))

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