There is also the Tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh (of the House of Joseph) were
descendants of a son of Joseph (son of Jacob and Rachel). The Jews in
Mizoram in northeast India, more correctly Mizo Jews claim to descend from
Manasseh. Reading further into this matter will take you into an interesting
smorgasbord of words ---- raging from enclaves to exclaves, eponyms,
aetiology, all manners of metaphors, including therapeutic metaphors.

Interesting read Jews Lost and found, in
The Jerusalem Post). I believe many of them are now in Israel.

venantius j pinto

From: Antonio Menezes <>
> To: goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Jewish Surname
> (del)
> It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties
> with Manases as
> surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of
> whom
> came to
> Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed  his surname to hundreds of
> Hindu converts.

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