On Behalf Of Nascy Caldeira
<<<The present Goa Govt. decision is the best and 
correct one, on Medium of Instruction. Where 
English is medium, there is a cumpulsory subject 
of Konkni or Marathi as second language and vice 
versa. Where Konkni or some other Indian language 
is the medium, then Engish must be learnt from 
grade one...
**Dear Nasci, I agree fully with you. This was my trend from the beginning. 
I agree that Konkani is the home language of most Goans--and there is contact 
with Konkani for all of them--but Konkani and English should be taught from the 
beginning. Konkani should be taught in Devanagari and Roman scripts. English 
will also be a reference language for all other languages. Hindi will come easy 
for children who know Konkani in Devanagari. When the child needs explanation 
for English text, it can be given in Konkani as and when required. When 
studying Konkani also, English words should be given, otherwise it becomes 
unbearable for children. For example, I found the word "chenddu" for "ball" in 
the text of Vth Standard (in Konkani we used to say "bol"). If the English word 
is not given, it would be difficult to explain it. The teacher who does not 
know English will find it difficult to explain. The problem was that teachers 
were brought from Maharashtra and 'marathized' Konkani was being taught. Now 
this situation should be remedied. Konkani will be even better mastered since 
it is extended to Xth Standard. Our mind should evolve through Konkani, Hindi, 
English, French. Our complex Indian-Goan culture should be well assimilated, 
without forgetting that we are living in a 'global village'. But let us also 
teach our children and young folks to be critical of the modern culture and 
'evangelize' (purify) it with real values...

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