Just as well i changed my status in the nick of time!  Some one actually
congratulated me on getting hitched.....

The Facebook split: Indian woman files for divorce after husband failed to
change his relationship status to married

*UPDATED:* 01:23, 18 May 2012

   - Comments 

An Indian woman is filing for divorce after her husband failed to change
his relationship status to married on social network site Facebook.

The 28-year-old has already approached the family court seeking divorce
saying that she can not trust him after her failed to announce their
marriage on the website.

The Telugu couple had an arranged marriage just two months ago and the case
was filed in the jurisdiction of an Aurangabad court where the women is
thought to live.
[image: Breakdown: An Indian woman has filed for divorce saying she cannot
trust her husband, after he neglected to update his relationship status on

Breakdown: An Indian woman has filed for divorce saying she cannot trust
her husband, after he neglected to update his relationship status on

According to the Deccan Chronicle her husband  told the court that he had
forgotten to update his status, but the judge has given the two parties six
months to undergo counselling.

Speaking to the Indian based newspaper High Court advocate Mr Subhash said,
'I came to know of the above incident from the magistrate in the Aurangabad


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'The Hyderabadi husband had told the judge that he was so busy post
marriage with family and his furniture business that he really had no time
to check his FB or change his status.

'He was willing to do so now or even de-activate his account, however, the
woman was not keen to continue with the marriage and she says her husband
might be doing things behind her back and she couldn’t trust him.'
[image: Nasty surprise: A third of the 5,000 petitions filed with
Divorce-Online in the past year mentioned Facebook]

Nasty surprise: A third of the 5,000 petitions filed with Divorce-Online in
the past year mentioned Facebook

Although there are thought to be few cases whereby the failure to change a
status of a relationship has caused a breakdown Facebook is increasingly
being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases, according to lawyers.

The social networking site was cited as a reason for a third of divorces
last year in which unreasonable behaviour was a factor, according to law
firm Divorce-Online.

The firm said it had seen a 50 per cent jump in the number of
behaviour-based divorce petitions that contained the word ‘Facebook’ in the
past two years.

Mark Keenan, managing director of Divorce-Online, said: ‘Facebook has
become the primary method for communicating with friends for many people.

'People contact ex-partners and the messages start as innocent, but lead to

‘If someone wants to have an affair or flirt with the opposite sex then
it’s the easiest place to do it.’

Thirty-three per cent of the 5,000 behaviour petitions filed with the firm
in the past year mentioned the site.

The most common reasons for Facebook causing problems in relationships were
a spouse finding flirty messages, photos of their partner at a party they
did not know about or with someone they should not have been with.

Read more:


Gabe Menezes.

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