An Exhbition of Goan Literature in Lisbon. Conference by
Miguel Real and Everton V. Machado on October 15, 2012 at 5 pm

Throughout ages, India has been the subject of numerous
Portuguese cultural manifestations.  The historical relations
between the two countries show up till today in various
aspects -- linguistic, artistic, architectural, gastronomic
nature, or in habits, traditions, festivals and customs.

          The Indo-Portuguese Literary Dialogues, integrated
          into the IV Indo-Portuguese Cultural Week, aim to
          strengthen the ties of friendship between the two
          peoples and make known to the Portuguese public
          some of the most relevant literary productions on
          India, and particularly on Goa, the smallest state
          of the Republic of India, which, despite being
          small in area, offers unique conditions to assume
          as a privileged platform on inter-cultural dialogue
          between the Indian subcontinent and Europe, where
          Portugal is situated.

Besides a vast historiography and non-fiction literature that
bind us, the fiction literature, particularly historical
novels and travelogues also facilitate our effort in
strengthening the foundations for a mutual understanding and
comprehension, thus contributing to the development of a
suitable intercultural awareness.

The fascination and the keen interest that India awakens in
the Portuguese, is evident in the extensive literary
production published in the 21st century.  Heading the list
is, obviously, Uma Viagem A India (A Journey to India) by
Goncalo M.  Tavares, an amazing and unprecedented book, which
was awarded the Grande Premio de Romance e Novela da
Associacao Portuguesa de Escritores (The Grand Prize for
Romance and Novel awarded by the Portuguese Writers
Association) and the Literary Award Fernando Namora/Estoril
Sol 2011, which, as Eduardo Lourenco says, is "a post-modern
navigation of the soul" portrayed as an anti-epic poem.

More recently Raquel Ochoa surprised all with her
Casa-Comboio, Premio Revelacao Agustina Bessa-Luis 2009
(Agustina Bessa-Luis Award 2009).  Also that same year the
poet and writer Luis Filipe Castro Mendes, former ambassador
of Portugal in New Delhi, was awarded Premio Antonio Quadros
2011 for his book Lendas da India (Legends of India).

Now in 2012 it was the turn of Almeida Faria to give us the
Murmurio do Mundo (Whispers of the World), a very beautiful
account of his trip to India, enriched with the splendid
illustrations by Barbara Assis Pacheco.  Also in 2012 we have
the affectionate account of Filipa Nery in her historical
novel, Da India com Amor (From India with Love), and the
latest novel by Miguel Real, O Feitico da India (The Spell of
India).  Through the fictional writing of some of the most
respected Portuguese authors we can actually breathe in a
kind of kaleidoscope of colors, sounds and flavors, the
magical atmosphere of millenary India where tradition and
modernity are the two sides of a vibrant and dynamic world
which keeps on fascinating us.

          The Indo Portuguese Literary Dialogues is an
          initiative of the Organizing Committee of the IV
          Indo-Portuguese Cultural Week (Goa) which intends,
          through conferences and exhibition of Goan
          Literature, to spread and promote books and
          awareness about Goan and Portuguese authors, thus
          establishing the necessary bridges and synergies
          for new productions and future literary editions
          that might rouse interest of a greater number of
          readers.  The Exhibition includes a selection of
          the most important literary works published
          recently in Goa, which the organisers thought worth
          making known to the Portuguese public, and, in
          particular, to the readers of the Goan community
          living in Portugal.

Goan Literature in Portuguese is undoubtedly a valuable
cultural legacy enriching the Lusophone Literature as a
whole, thanks to some works of renowned authors and prominent
figures in the cultural, social and political life in Goa,
from the nineteenth century.

Names from the past like those of Francisco Luis Gomes,
Paulino Dias, Floriano Barreto, Lino Abreu, Adeodato Barreto,
Orlando Costa, Gip (nom de plume of Francisco Joao da Costa),
Agostinho Fernandes, Nascimento Mendonca, Vimala Devi or even
Laxmanrao Sardesai referred today by writers in Konkani,
Marathi or English language, need to be honoured during this
week's commemoration.  The Exhibition on Goan Literature will
be open to the public at the head-office of Camoes, IP: from
12th and 15th October, from 10.00 to 17.00 hours and later at
Casa de Goa, in Lisbon.

The conferences of the Indo-Portuguese Literary Dialogues
will take place on October 15, 2012 at 17.00 hours, at the
head-office of Camoes, I.P., Lisbon.  Responsible for the
Conferences is the Portuguese writer Miguel Real, who will
also deliver a talk, entitled A India na Literatura
Portuguesa (India in Portuguese Literature), and Everton V.
Machado, Post-Doctorate scholar in the Centre of Comparative
Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, Lisbon University and
author of a Critics Edition in French of the first Goan novel
in Portuguese, Os Brahamanes (1866) by Francisco Luis Gomes
(Les Brahmanes, trad.L.  de Claranges Lucotte, Paris,
ClassiquesGarnier, 2012), who will speak on "As controversas
leituras d'Os Brahmanes de Francisco LuiĀ­s Gomes (The
controversial readings of The Brahmins by Francisco Luis

Among the general public, teachers and specialists in
Indo-Portuguese Literature and Oriental Studies, are also
expected to take part, besides Goan delegates who will be in
Lisbon for the IV Indo-Portuguese Cultural Week.

Camoes, Instituto da Cooperacao e da Lingua
Avenida da Liberdade, 270
1250-149 Lisboa
T: 213109100 /32/37/75

More details in Goa from:
Prof. Delfim Correia da Silva
91-9881 203697

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