LOL, obviously you haven't read my previous posts ;)

Ok, I'll repeat it then, no problem. I'm actually the developer of an open 
source preprocessor (Genesis) that can also be used to add Allman style and 
pseudo-generics to Go.

And internally I also use a templating language similar to PHP (Helix) 
which emit Go code in a way similar to my Phoenix language.

Anyway, thanks for the fun. Where is the popcorn ? LOL

On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 11:43:52 PM UTC+1, ohir wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 10:36:42 -0700 (PDT) 
> <javascript:> wrote: 
> [APM] 
> [Ad Personam mode on, I humbly apologize to bystanders] 
> Enough is enough! 
> > Really, that's the one particular engineer decision I regret. Just one. 
> But 
> > that's a big one. Because sometimes, almost ENTIRE teams prefer the 
> Allman 
> > style. That's not just a personal affair. 
> This is yours strictly personal affair. Through this all thread you 
> *demand* 
> from the go team and the community to design, write and maintain tools for 
> functionality *only you personally* deem important. More - you *demand* 
> from 
> us __thousands and millions of hours of compile time__ because *you* want 
> your tastes satisfied. 
> Stop whining and *do instrument* your editor with s/(\S\s*)}\s*$/\1\n}/. 
> In C++ or java or ecmascript or... 
> It is You who need this style so make your environment allow it. Its easy. 
> (It was common in times we were paid by LOC but had 22 usable screen 
> lines). 
> If above instrumentation is beyond your allman-loving team competence why 
> and *HOW* do you want to program anything usable to others? 
> > All that because maybe 2 or 3 languages designers have decided so, 
> > moreover to make it easy to automatically add the semi-colons. 
> They gave it to you for free. It is open source. So 
>      *FORK* 
>   Tailor to your tastes! Make ponies dance! 
>  > And it doesn't even work well, we are now force to put a useless comma 
> > after the last parameter of a function to be allowed to split the 
> arguments 
> > on several lines. Please don't insult me by telling there wasn't any 
> other 
> > possible solution. 
>     *FORK* !!! Do better. 
> [\APM] 
> -- 
> Wojciech S. Czarnecki 
>  << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE 

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