The JSP page I created is using too much of CPU and showing high

The page lists all the entities of type Person.class. (At present
there are 43 entities in the datastore.)
(Person is a root entity)

Following is the method to return the list of all Person objects in
the datastore :-

public class ListPersons {

        public static List<Person> allPersons(){

                PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
                Query query = pm.newQuery(Person.class);
                List<Person> results = (List<Person>) query.execute();
                return results;

The JSP page code :

        List<Person> peopleList = ListPersons.allPersons();
        Iterator<Person> iter = peopleList.iterator();
                Person p = (Person);


Request logs for this page:

09-20 01:29AM 35.604 / 200 848ms 1383cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:29AM 33.286 / 200 850ms 1344cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:29AM 29.196 / 200 807ms 1383cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:29AM 24.946 / 200 792ms 1364cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:29AM 20.197 / 200 839ms 1383cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:26AM 55.564 / 200 779ms 1364cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:26AM 38.545 / 200 737ms 1344cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:26AM 36.355 / 200 869ms 1325cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:26AM 34.205 / 200 817ms 1402cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb
09-20 01:26AM 32.245 / 200 782ms 1364cpu_ms 1072api_cpu_ms 1kb

Clearly I am doing something wrong. I just don't know what it is.
The page is displaying the results correctly. It's just taking too

How can I optimize it? Need help.
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