I'm about to quit on JPA/JDO after 2 days of pure frustration. The
final straw is:-

                System.out.println("emp.dept name=" + emp.getDept().getName
());    // throws an NPE
                System.out.println("emp.dept name=" + 
                System.out.println("emp.dept name=" + emp.getDept().getName()); 
now works just fine

I can't cope with that much non-deterministic behaviour.

fwiw, I have my own ant task to reverse engineer a database schema
into JPA, Hibernate, JDO, etc.
The approach I'm taking is to do my design using an RDBMS and design
tool and then generate a GAE LLAPI DAO layer from the database.
That way its fairly easy for me to switch from LLAPI to say JDO in the
future (not that I can ever imagine wanting to given my app is
dependent on so many GAE features anyway).

I'm guessing that an interesting side benefit is that the DTO classes
are now RPCable to GWT, unike the annotated JDO/JPA stuff

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