Ok - before trying to delete the specific Transacation, I'm looping
through all Transactions to check if the delete request parm is the
same as Transaction.getKey().toString ["if (trans.getKey().toString
().equals(reqParm)"].  This is returning true.  Isn't that evidence
enough that the key exists?

On Nov 21, 9:38 am, datanucleus <andy_jeffer...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Let me be more specific about what's happening...
> Not sure why we need to know what your app does; an object has a JDO
> identity, set when you persist it, and that identity has to be used
> when finding it. If you put in something else then you get an
> exception.
> When you persist your object what is its "identity" ? i.e
> JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj);
> What is "pm.newObjectIdInstance(Transactions.class, key)" ?
> If they aren't the same then you're putting the wrong "key" in.


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