
The most important thing to remember to design your objects and their
relationship is the entity group: you cannot touch (update, delete,
create) entities belonging to more than 1 group in a single
transaction (unless you then use transaction-bound tasks)

So, keep this point in min when you maximize the number of entity
groups by keeping entities in separate groups: it will make your
transactional code a little bit harder to develop if you want to
maintain database integrity.



On Dec 17, 7:43 pm, har_shan <harsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i want to hear the best practice on establishing entity relationships in my
> case-
> Example, for sake of discussion:-
> User
> Exam
> Page
> Question
> Answer
> As you can see, from top, each entity has 1 - many relationship with entity
> immediately beneath it.
> Interesting case is a User can have any number of Exam and it can *scale* in
> whatever manner, but a Exam usually will have few Pages,
> a Page with few Questions, Questions with few Answers
> I saw this interesting post
> best practice to persist medium-large 
> data<http://www.mail-archive.com/google-appengine-java@googlegroups.com/ms...>
> (which is also a answer to this ques) and it made me to design like this:
> Also i plan to keep each entity in its own entity group, as recommended by
> AppEngine - totally eliminating Parent relationship, as far as possible
> class User{
> String name;
> // List<Key<Exam> exams;  NOT a good idea, as this will unnecessarily load
> bulk amt of Exam keys when i load User
> ...
> }
> So i would use a query to get all Exams created by any User. Fine. But
> class Exam{
> String subject;
> // With this i can *quickly* retrieve all Pages with keys, but as Exam and
> Page are not in same Entity Group,
> // how do i maintain *consistency* when, say, i delete a Page and
> accordingly remove that Key entry in Exam.
> // Also as said earlier, no. of pages (hence keys) shouldn't be too high, so
> dont need to worry abt size
> List<Key<Page> pages;  
> }
> class Page{
> String pageNo.
> Key<Exam> exam; // with this i can *only(?)* use query to get all Pages
> under a Exam, so *unnecessary index scan*[1]
> List<Key<Question> questions;
> }
> The same extends to Page -> Question -> Answer
> [1] Retrieving via Keys are faster than 
> querying<http://www.mail-archive.com/google-appengine@googlegroups.com/msg3384...>
> So what is your recommendation and why?
> I can suspect that it should be a trade-off between unnecessary loading of
> keys/extra scan of indices but want to get some thoughts and what about
> consistency?
> Thanks much in advance.
> p.s. though not relevant, most likely i will use low level framework, mainly
> Objectify..

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