I haven't actually looked deeply at the countershard/memcache code yet
(tho I plan to tomorrow) so I can't speak to any bugs in it, but just
off the top of my head I think you can easily get None if checking for
memcache.get('invalid_key'), no?


On Nov 2, 1:15 am, yejun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found another bug.
> Counter.get_count tests whether self.memcached.count is None, however
> self.memcached.count will never return None.
> On Nov 2, 1:11 am, Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > As I see it, any code that uses your new counter object will need to
> > > deal with instantiating it somewhere
> > ...
> > > others might have a
> > > similar question when wondering how best to actually implement it and
> > > ensure the variable name they wish to use for the counter is not
> > > taken, and that they're not unnecessarily instantiating multiple
> > > Counter objects for no reason.
> > The way I'm using counters, they are hardwired into the code right at
> > the time counter info is needed to be retrieved or set.  I do the
> > instantiation right at that point.  For my app, I guarantee variable
> > names are OK just via code review and making each group of counters
> > has a special prefix name so there can't be conflict across groups of
> > counters.
> > I'm still relatively new to python web apps, so I can use educating
> > here as well, but my understanding was a request created a limited
> > lifecycle for the request handler and instantiated models, unless you
> > put it in the global space.  So if you really want to be efficient,
> > you could create the counters globally so they are kept across
> > requests some times.  But even if you are dynamically creating
> > multiple instances of Counter objects, there shouldn't be much of a
> > performance penalty or access issue because these objects are so
> > lightweight and the very nature of a web app where the whole response
> > gets recreated each request.
> > Best,
> > Bill
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