On Sep 23, 1:30 pm, Wooble <geoffsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It sounds like your requests are blocking trying to hit an external
> webserver which is slow.  

But the timeout occurs even for servers like wikipedia!

If you're holding each request open for ~10
> seconds (after which the urlfetch fails), you're not going to be able
> to have many incoming requests at the same time.
> On Sep 23, 10:02 am, Steven Harrington
> <steven.harring...@xeroxlabs.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> > We are having trouble with constant 500 server errors. A sample error
> > snippet is below:
> > 09-23 06:33AM 55.974 /fetch?url=http%3A//
> > %3Dcache%3A9wdNxvEMZjAJ%3Awww.waterloowatch.com/Index_files
> > %25255CFluoride%252520and%252520Skeletal%252520Fluorosis.pdf%2Bskeletal
> > %2Bfluorosis%26cd%3D21%26hl%3Den%26ct%3Dclnk%26gl%3Dus%26client
> > %3Dfirefox-a&sessionid=753886&srchwds=skeletal+fluorosis 500 10639ms
> > 0cpu_ms 0kb Python-urllib/1.17,gzip(gfe)
> > Additionally, we also keep getting these errors:
> > --
> > Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
> > request. Most likely, this indicates that you have reached your
> > simultaneous active request limit.
> > --
> > and
> > --
> > This request used a high amount of CPU, and was roughly 1.3 times over
> > the average request CPU limit. High CPU requests have a small quota,
> > and if you exceed this quota, your app will be temporarily disabled.
> > --
> > Thinking it could be a problem with the limitations on free accounts,
> > we switched over to the billing option but the errors persist. Is
> > there any way to increase the simultaneous active request limit or any
> > other workaround?
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