I had the same problem - I solved it by manually deleting the temp
internet files and all the cache in browser.

On Oct 8, 3:50 pm, Christian Goudreau <goudreau.christ...@gmail.com>
> I got some problem too with Eclipse and Snow Leopard. It's always asking me
> to re-compile my application and I've done that a lot of times ! I was
> trying to get it work with an active project.
> Christian
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Parvez Shah <parvezs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, I tried searching,but could not find any document regarding what all
> > changes has been made in the API,
> > do we get any new widget in 2.0
> > any new annotation
> > On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Dominik Steiner <
> > dominik.j.stei...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi Jospeh,
> >> did you consider to install the Google Plugin for eclipse?
> >> You will even then run into problems, but reading through this post
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/threa...
> >> you should be up and running pretty soon.
> >> HTH
> >> Dominik
> >> On 7 Okt., 20:00, Joseph Arceneaux <joe.arcene...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > There does not appear to be a nice URL I can point Eclipse 3.5 at in
> >> order
> >> > to install GWT 2.0 in the usual fashion.  Nor, apparently, any
> >> instructions
> >> > about an alternate procedure.
> >> > It appears unclear on just where / how to merge the contents of the zip
> >> file
> >> > into an existing Eclipse integration;  does anyone have a pointer to
> >> > documentation for this?
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > Joe
> >> > On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi <amitman...@google.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > > Hi everyone,
> >> > > We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
> >> > > This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
> >> > > unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
> >> > > will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:
> >> > >http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/downloads/list?can=1&q=2..
> >> ..
> >> > > Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
> >> > > confusing without explanation
> >> > > * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
> >> > > "development mode" rather than the old term "hosted mode." The term
> >> > > "hosted mode" was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
> >> > > more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
> >> > > the term "production mode" rather than "web mode" when referring to
> >> > > compiled script.
> >> > > * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
> >> > > and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
> >> > > for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
> >> > > plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
> >> > > distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
> >> > > those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
> >> > > mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.
> >> > > Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
> >> > > * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
> >> > > a special-purpose "hosted browser" to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the
> >> > > web page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser.
> >> > > Development mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin
> >> > > for each browser. In other words, you can use development mode
> >> > > directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.
> >> > > * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting allows you to chunk
> >> > > your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster startup. Imagine
> >> > > having to download a whole movie before being able to watch it. Well,
> >> > > that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days -- download
> >> > > the whole thing before using it. With code splitting, you can arrange
> >> > > to load just the minimum script needed to get the application running
> >> > > and the user interacting, while the rest of the app is downloaded as
> >> > > needed.
> >> > > * Declarative User Interface: GWT's UiBinder now allows you to create
> >> > > user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously, widgets had to be
> >> > > created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of code. Now,
> >> > > you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more readable,
> >> > > easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has been
> >> > > updated to use the new declarative UI.
> >> > > * Bundling of resources (ClientBundle): GWT has shipped with
> >> > > ImageBundles since GWT v1.4, giving developers automatic spriting of
> >> > > images. ClientBundle generalizes this technique, bringing the power of
> >> > > combining and optimizing resources into one download to things like
> >> > > text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer network round trips, which
> >> > > in turn can decrease application latency -- especially on mobile
> >> > > applications.
> >> > > * Using HtmlUnit for running GWT tests: GWT 2.0 no longer uses SWT or
> >> > > the old mozilla code (on linux) to run GWT tests. Instead, it uses
> >> > > HtmlUnit as the built-in browser. HtmlUnit is 100% Java. This means
> >> > > there is a single GWT distribution for linux, mac, and windows, and
> >> > > debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java
> >> > > debugger.
> >> > > Known issues
> >> > > *  If you are planning to run the webAppCreator, i18nCreator, or the
> >> > > junitCreator scripts on Mac or Linux, please set their executable bits
> >> > > by doing a 'chmod +x *Creator'
> >> > > * Our HtmlUnit integration is still not complete. Additionally,
> >> > > HtmlUnit does not do layout. So tests can fail either because they
> >> > > exercise layout or they hit bugs due to incomplete integration. If you
> >> > > want such tests to be ignored on HtmlUnit, please annotate the test
> >> > > methods with @DoNotRunWith({Platform.Htmlunit})
> >> > > * The Google Eclipse Plugin will only allow you to add GWT release
> >> > > directories that include a file with a name like gwt-dev-windows.jar.
> >> > > You can fool it by sym linking or copying gwt-dev.jar to the
> >> > > appropriate name.
> >> > > Breaking changes
> >> > > * The way arguments are passed to the GWT testing infrastructure has
> >> > > been revamped. There is now a consistent syntax to support arbitrary
> >> > > "runstyles", including user-written with no changes to GWT.  Though
> >> > > this does not affect common launch configs, some of the less common
> >> > > ones will need to be updated. For example, '-selenium FF3' has become
> >> > > '-runStyle selenium:FF3'
> >> > > As always, remember that GWT milestone builds like this are use-at-
> >> > > your-own-risk and we don't recommend it for production use. Please
> >> > > report any bugs you encounter to the GWT issue tracker (http://
> >> > > code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list) after doing a quick
> >> > > search to see if your issue has already been reported.
> >> > > -- Amit Manjhi, on behalf of the Google Web Toolkit team
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