I think try using Mosiac Based TabLayoutPanel. The TabLayoutPanel of
GWt-Mosiac. George is owner of GWT-Mosiac library. He has put a lot of
effort in the library.

On Jan 22, 6:07 pm, Ashar Lohmar <asharloh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... maybe you should try adding the content in a Panel and that panel
> add it to another panel (HorizontalPanel maybe for both) and "hack"
> the style of the last one adding overflow:hidden
> TabPanel tp = new TabPanel();
> .setWidth("500px"); // or whatever
> Widget content = ... // the realcontent
> HorizontalPanel hp1 = new HorizontalPanel();
> hp1.setWidth("100%");
> hp1.add(content);
> HorizontalPanel hp2 = new HorizontalPanel();
> hp2.setWidth("100%");
> hp2.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("overflow","hidden");
> tp.add("tab1",hp2);
> the trick will be to find out when the inner panel has bigger width
> than the outer panel(or the "deck" of the tabpanel) an then show the
> buttons
> and on the buttons onClick() you'll do something like hp2.getElement
> ().setScrollLeft(incremented/decremented value)
> ...
> hope it will be any help
> good luck
> On Jan 20, 8:15 pm, blopes <bruno.lourenco.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I would like to add some kind of slide items to the  TabPanel TabBar .
> > I am adding dynamically labels to the tab and when the length of all
> > added labels is greater than the tab width
> > the symbol less(<) and greater(>) should appear in each side to be
> > able to scroll left and right. Or instead of that an scroll bar. I
> > would prefer the < and >.
> > Do you have any idea how to do it ?
> > Thank you,
> > Bruno

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