Please excuse my ignorance, I'm surprised to see the emulator code is
Java. I'd have thought it would be in JavaScript. Is the point that
the emulator is Java that the translator can handle?

I wonder what Integer.valueOf looks like in JavaScript?

Perhaps by explicitly writing Integer.valueOf I am forcing the
creation of additional JavaScript that would otherwise be omitted as

(I'm well aware of the "premature optimisation" adage. If by arming
yourself with a little knowledge you can avoid writing code that you
know might harm performance without sacrificing readability or
implementation time, that has to be a good thing.)

On Sep 12, 10:56 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> Generally speaking, it's a waste of time to worry about performance
> implications of such small things until you've proven that it's a
> performance issue for your app. Choose the right type for the job, and
> forget about autoboxing implications until it comes knocking at the door.
> “premature optimization is the root of all evil” — Donald Knuth
> See
> FYI, 
> Integer.valueOf<>is
>  not "trivial", but I believe there are many other places in your app (and
> unfortunately within GWT itself) that needs to be optimized before thinking
> about autoboxing; starting with DOM manipulation, which is awfully slow in
> many browsers (much slower than creating a new JS object that wraps a
> number).

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